Lesson 2: Get rid of this toxic roots and create new roots for your life.

Continue (those of you who missed the previous blog please visit www.fornobleheartsllc.com/self-healing) Lesson 1 “Who are you? What roots have been growing in your life?”

 I hope you still have a different perspective on your childhood and grow from those experiences. Your childhood is the center of who you are today. Past experiences can make us or break us. It's what we absorb from the roots that can make us weak or strong. 

 We need to get the roots of bitterness and replace it with roots that bears fruits. Bitterness prevent us to move forward in our lives. It only clouds our moral compass for treating our self and others with kindness.

 Let's go back to the tree analogy, if we want to destroy the fruits from a tree, we need to dig deep within the soil to destroy the roots of the tree.

The greatest gift in my opinion is to handle your pain when there is a problem with a Why and Purpose. Let's look at it from a different lens our behavior is the reflection you look in the mirror every day. That reflection is the pain and it's rooted in your heart and need someone to LOVE that pain out of you. Get rid of those toxic roots whether it is from your childhood experience, parents, friends, family, lover, spouse and etc.

I'm a religious person and God is my spiritual healer when it comes pain and suffering. When I'm alone and problems start to rise up the enemy wants me to be distracted from my purpose. See the enemy wants us to harbor the pain and deal with it our self. It seems as if the enemy doesn't want us to expose the roots to people that needs to love it out of us. If we hold on to that and hide it, it can create toxic roots as bitterness. 

 Let's go back to the tree analogy, if we expose those toxic roots to sunlight it will destroy the tree. If we have someone to LOVE it out of us the root is destroy. We have to locate the root and expose it to the light of God's truth and kill that root forever. We need to locate the taproot and destroy it to avoid it reproducing the same experience in the future. 

Now, I’m hoping you guys are saying to yourself “I don't want the same toxic recycle lifestyle and want to change for the goodness for my future”.

I’m not telling you to forget. It's hard to forget it's like if someone shoots you, that pain will hurt. Once that gunshot wound heals a scar will be there, so you will not be able to forget easily. That is why I’m writing this blog today for you to forgive the people that hurt you in the past.  I know you are like; how can I forgive this person.  Let me show you how.

**Now, Let’s take back the hearts of humanity and it’s time to be still to take control of one life**

Lesson 2: 

I need you to give yourself 30mins (or more if needed) a day for this week for yourself in a quiet space. Go grab your tea, coffee, or wine (whatever time during the day that make you feel free and relaxed)

Grab your pen and paper (old school) or what I like to do is to use my iPhone Notes to free write. It’s an excellent tool for you to use if you always on the move to jot things down before you forget. 

Write the questions and Answer truthfully as possible. I want you to go deep and don’t just answer the question with just one word. Also, do not scroll to the end unless all questions are answered. 

Let’s go and destroy those toxic roots.

1.   Write down all the people in your life that made an impact in your life. Good and Bad. 

2.   Did you adopt some of their characters/habits? If so, list the characters/habits.

3.   Are you comfortable with those characters? If no, why? 

4.   Did those characters or habits change you for the good or worst? Why?

5.   Where there anyone in your life told you couldn't do........? Fill in the blank with multiple people if need to (note: people put their fears on others because they are unable to do it themselves.)

6.   Can you find it in your heart to forgive them? If not, why? If so, how?

Wow, I'm so proud of you and love that you took some time for yourself to go deep to dig up those rotten roots. Those answers will take you to the next step in store for next week's Monday Lesson. 

 It’s time for you to uncover those bitterness roots and destroy it with love and redirect pain with healing. Those roots need to be destroyed forever by talking to these people and release that bitterness with LOVE AND FORGIVINESS. 

Talk to the people that hurt you and have an open dialogue and genuinely say what's on your heart. You may get resistance but remember you are doing it for yourself for closure. Tell them you are not here to argue, but coming off the strength of love and peace for you to get rid of toxic roots in your life. Remember you are forgiving people for only YOU not for others. At the end of the day it's time for you to sleep at night peacefully. 

I love you guys with all my heart, give me a big hug through your phone, tablet, laptop, computer or whatever device you are reading this blog on. I can still feel the love lol. 

I hope you enjoy this healing lesson. Please visit our For Noble Hearts LLC Facebook page and go to our Facebook Group “FNH_HeartsofHumanity” to join and comment on the post.

Ashawn Ferguson